My journey into the fascinating world of coffee began at an early age—long before I even knew the taste of Arabica or Robusta.
As a child, my father introduced me to the secrets behind a cup of espresso, sparking a passion that has stayed with me ever since.
Over the years, I've had the chance to travel and explore the vibrant countries where coffee plants grow, meeting the hardworking farmers who cultivate and harvest the beans. I've also connected with passionate roasters who master the craft of aromas, and I’ve made many barista-friends, always searching for the perfect brewing method.
I’ve been working professionally with coffee since 2009, still driven by curiosity and a hunger for knowledge, I became a Licensed Q-Arabica Grader and an SCA-certified Trainer in barista and roasting in 2019.
To stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies, I actively participate in competitions, whether as a competitor, judge, or coach. By running the TREVO Coffee Roastery my mission is daily promoting the Specialty Coffees in Vorarlberg.
A cup of coffee means so much more than just caffeine...